Maze Basics
The mazes at the Makuhita Dojo are not really hard,
especially if you beat the game (I have a Lv. 61 Charizard,
and I can take out everything, even the bosses, with one
basic hit). It's mainly a place to train lower level
Pokémon, or train if you can't seem to beat a dungeon.
Each maze is only 3 floors; the first two being a dungeon
and the last one being the bosses. When the game starts,
there are six dungeons. You get 15 more as you go through
the game, totaling for 21 dungeons total.
The dungeons each specialize in a type, and basic Pokémon
of that type will appear in the dungeon. So best to take
a Pokémon with an elemental advantage to clear it faster.
After you beat the 16 basic mazes, Makuhita gives you a
Bonsly statue to put in front of your team base. Also,
you get a Ginseng for clearing the first 17 mazes.
You also get a Ginseng for each of the Team Mazes you complete.
Considering these dungeons are short, you don't need any good items,
and don't worry about PP. The dungeons are so short, that you'd want to
get the extra EXP form using your real attacks (you get twice as much
EXP if you use just one real move than only using the normal attack).
As a last note: you will not find ANY items in the mazes, and you can't
recruit anyone.
Basic Mazes
Wow...jsut an inverse of the last section. Anywho, these are your
basic mazes. To find a specific one, just search. They are not presented
in the order you unlock them (because I went once when I first started
to see the first 6, and once after I beat the game to see all 21), but
rather in the order they are shown in the menu
-Normal Maze [norm]
-Fire Maze [fire]
-Water Maze [water]
-Grass Maze [grass]
-Electric Maze [elec]
-Ice Maze [ice]
-Fighting Maze [fight]
-Ground Maze [ground]
-Flying Maze [fly]
-Psychic Maze [psych]
-Poison Maze [pois]
-Bug Maze [bug]
-Rock Maze [rock]
-Ghost Maze [ghost]
-Dragon Maze [dragon]
-Dark Maze [dark]
-Steel Maze [steel]
Normal Maze [norm]
|Lv. 5 |Lv. 10 |Lv. 14|
|HP: 25 |HP: 40 |HP: 72|
Raticate's Hyper Fang is powerful, so best avoid it. Other than that,
a Fighting-type can dominate the area. But when you get to the bosses,
the fighting type is in trouble, because Farfetch'd knows Peck.
Furret's Fury Swipes can deal consecutive damage, and if you don't have
alot of HP, it's a lethal attack. I advise taking Furret out first.
Fire Maze [fire]
|Magby |Slugma|Ponyta|
|Lv. 17|Lv. 16|Lv. 30|
|HP: 64|HP: 66|HP: 75|
Well, these Pokémon certainly got a power boost from the last maze.
Water-types will be needed here, and maybe an Insomniscope to stop
Slugma from putting you to sleep with Yawn. A Pecha Scarf will help
too, since Magby can use Poison Gas and poison you.
Water Maze [water]
|Poliwag (x3)|
|Lv. 10 |
|HP: 40 |
Ya for Poliwags! These are the only things I even saw in this maze.
An Insomniscope will stop them from putting you to sleep with Hypnosis.
Also, Bubble is a long ranged attack, so make sure you don't stay in
their range for too long, or you'll get hit continually, and your
movement speed may even be lowered.
Grass Maze [grass]
|Lv. 1 |Lv. 1 |Lv. 9 |Lv. 13|
|HP: 12 |HP: 12 |HP: 35 |HP: 52|
Good lord, this maze made me realize why I despise most Grass-types.
These guys will either paralyze you (making it so you can't attack,
but can still move or throw items), or put you to sleep. Then they'll
use Absorb and drain your HP. Not cool. Burn them with Fire-type moves
to ensure a fast victory. Stay as far away when you kill them as
possible, to make sure they can't Paralyze you or put you to sleep.
Electric Maze [elec]
|Voltorb (x2)|Electrike (x2)|
|Lv. 3 |Lv. 12 |
|HP: 20 |HP: 53 |
Persim Bands and ranged moves are nice here. Your foes will try and
paralyze you and then just damage you. If you have ranged moves,
use those too, as Electrike's Static ability may paralyze you if you
come into contact with it. Defintly use Ground-type moves and Pokémon.
That way, the attacks do alot less damage to you, and you can do alot
more to them.
Ice Maze [ice]
|Lv. 8 |Lv. 16 |Lv. 20 |
|HP: 35|HP: 75 |HP: 70 |
Yes, it doesn't follow the normal flow. But most of these guys don't
even have Ice-attacks. They mainly have Normal-, or even Ground-type
attacks. Snorunt has Powder Snow though, which can hit everyone (a
very nice move if you're using it. Not so nice for the receiving end).
Keep all Grass-types at their Friend Areas so they don't get killed
from one hit of Powder Snow. Fire- and Steel-type FTW!
Fighting Maze [fight]
|Lv. 6 |Lv. 6 |Lv. 22 |
|HP: 30 |HP: 30 |HP: 65 |
Until you beat the game, your Flying- and Psychic-type attacks will
be limited. Take out Hitmonlee first with ranged attacks or items.
3 tosses of a Gravelrock will take him down to 5HP (they do a set 20
Damage per hit). But he's powerful, so try and get him down fast. The
other guys...meh, they're no threat. Meditite has Psychic-type attacks
though, so be expecting that.
Ground Maze [ground]
|Diglett (x2)|Phanpy (x2)|
|Lv. 20 |Lv. 14 |
|HP: 57 |HP: 55 |
Magnitude. An evil attack. It's one that Diglett has too. It damages
everyone in the room (even Diglett's teammates) with a random power.
If you're unlucky, you'll take a hard blow and fall immediatly. Take
both of the moles out so you can focus on the mini-elephants.
Flying Maze [fly]
|Pidgey|Doduo |Farfetch'd|
|Lv. 1 |Lv. 14|Lv. 10 |
|HP: 10|HP: 50|HP: 40 |
Take your really low leveled Pokés here. Doduo has Pursuit (which
counters any attacks back at full power if you don't kill it) and
Fury Attack (a fatal multi-hit attack). Long ranged moves are best
Psychic Maze [psych]
|Wobbuffet (x3)|
|Lv. 30 |
|HP: 100 |
Wobbuffet. The only Pokémon who can't say anything other than his name,
even when you are a Pokémon. What? When Wynauts evolve, do they lose
their brain or something? Anywho, these guys are annoying. Here's how
to fight them:
If they use Mirror Coat-Use physical attacks
If they use Counter-use special attacks
If they use Destiny Bond-Get a 1-hit kill, or don't attack.
Poison Maze [pois]
|Nidoran F (x2)|Nidoran M (x2)|
|Lv. 4 |Lv. 12 |
|HP: 14 |HP: 52 |
Pecha Berries and Scarves are wonderful here. Both Nidorans have the
Poison Point ability, which can poison you if you use physical attacks.
Likewise, they cannot be poisoned. So either take them out fast, or
from a range.
Bug Maze [bug]
|Lv. 8 |Lv. 10 |Lv. 6 |
|HP: 31|HP: 55 |HP: 30|
Weedle can use String Shot, which can slow you down from a range,
and allow Beedrill to pepper you with Fury Attacks. Take out Beedrill
to prevent this, then Weedle. Pinsir...what Pinsir?
Rock Maze [rock]
|Lv. 5 |Lv. 7 |Lv. 17 |
|HP: 30 |HP: 35 |HP: 66 |
Rock-types have a naturally high defense, so take advantage of Special
Attacks here. Long ranged attacks like Bubble and Razor Leaf are great.
Sudowoodo won't move until you get close, so take him out last. Beware
Ghost Maze [ghost]
|Gastly (x3)|
|Lv. 23 |
|HP: 74 |
Gravelrocks are a must here, as they can go over (and through) walls.
Same with attacks that hit entire rooms like Heat Wave. In the boss
battle, the Gastly trio starts behind a wall, and moves through it.
Dark- and Psychic-types can win easily here.
Dragon Maze [dragon]
|Bagon (x2)|Shelgon (x2)|
|Lv. 16 |Lv. 19 |
|HP: 51 |HP: 66 |
Your basic Special Attacks (Water-, Electric-, Grass-, and Fire-types)
are no good here, as Dragons are resistant. Ice- and Dragon-type attacks
are needed for easy victory. Besides that, these guys aren't tough, and
are worth a good bunch of EXP.
Dark Maze [dark]
|Poochyena (x2)|Murkrow (x2)|
|Lv. 3 |Lv. 14 |
|HP: 28 |HP: 48 |
Yay for dark-types! Poochyena is a wuss, so it runs when it gets to low
HP. Toss stuff at it to get your EXP Points. Murkrow can use Pursuit,
which counters any attack damage. Throw items at it or kill it in one
Steel Maze [steel]
|Aron (x2)|Beldum (x2)|
|Lv. 6 |Lv. 5 |
|HP: 26 |HP: 24 |
Yay for steel-types! These guys have high defenses, so Fire- and
Fighting-types are great here. But don't think about Poison-types;
they're immune. Beldum only knows Take Down. So if he dies from his
own recoiled damage, you get no EXP. That means take him out!
That's the end of the normal mazes. Complete them all and collect your
Team Mazes
These mazes are sorta like the previous ones, except with Lv. 15-Lv. 30
Pokémon, and thier Rescue Teams to boot. The teams are as follows:
-Team Shifty [shift]
-Team Constrictor [const]
-Team Hydro [hydro]
-Team Rumblerock [rumbl]
Team Shifty [shift]
|Nuzleaf (x2)|Shiftry|
|Lv. 10 |Lv. 20 |
|HP: 68 |HP: 95 |
We remember this guy! He got PWN'D by Zapdos! Sucker....
Anywho, these guys are Dark/Grass-types, so Fire is your best bet here.
Shiftry's Nature Power can paralyze, so either take him out fast, or
make sure your teammates can attack if you get Paralyzed.
Team Constrictor [const]
|Lv. 33 |Lv. 30 |Lv. 45 |
|HP: 125 |HP: 150 |HP: 160|
No! Their HP has hit triple digits! YOu'll need Grass- and Electric-
types to conquer these guys. At the start of the battle, Tentacruel and
Octillery can use Bubblebeam and Octazooka to strike you from a range.
But you don't want to get too close to damage them, or else they will
use Confuse Ray or Constrict.
Team Hydro [hydro]
|Lv. 38 |Lv. 32 |Lv. 37 |
|HP: 153 |HP: 100 |HP: 168 |
Blasoise here can use Protect, making him immune to damage for a few
turns. If you can, use Electric and Grass attacks like Shock Wave and
Razor Leaf. Bullet Seed is also very good. Once you take out Blastoise,
take out Swampert because his Mud Sport can weaken your Electric attacks.
Feraligatr is no threat.
Team Rumblerock [rumbl]
|Graveler (x2)|Golem |
|Lv. 22 |Lv. 15|
|HP: 77 |HP: 84|
Magnitude and Seldestruct are powerful and dangerous moves here. Ranged
attacks Like Bubblebeam and Bullet Seed will take them out in one shot,
so do that before they get lucky with a high leveled Magnitude and wipe
you out.
Each of these mazes rewards you with a Ginseng. Take it and hold onto it
for your favorite (or most used) Pokémon.
5. Special Maze
To get this maze, you need a Nintendo DS, and both Red Resuce Team and
Blue Rescue Team. Both games must be in the DS at the same time. Upon
starting the game, select "Receive Team." The active team will become
bosses in a new maze. This maze is not needed to get the Bonsly statue
and is totally optional. The dungeon has low leveled Poké lying around,
but the team is exactly how the other game had it.
To get an active team other than your leader, first go and select your
team members, and save the game. That way, you can have four Pokémon
instead of just one against the other Pak.
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