September 27, 2009

Pokemon FireRed Version

Differences between this game and the previous ones, that's
a lot. First, they have the brand new, never before seen
islands. These islands contain new puzzles, Pokemon, and
people. There are 9 islands, 7 of which you an access
normally in the game. These islands are home to most of the
Pokemon that were in the G/S/C generations.
Some of the islands even play remixes from the Gold,
Silver, and Crystal games! The islands add to the plotline.

There's also the second wave of the Elite 4 that is much more
challenging than the first.
They have different Pokemon and can range from level 50 to 75,
outranked in level only by Red in GSC! There is also all the
Johto Pokemon that you can catch that aren't in Pokemon Colosseum.

Fire Red and Leaf Green have an interesting feature in
which when you press Continue, it'll show all the previous
things that you did before you saved the game so you won't forget.
There is also an animation whenever you give a Pokemon an item or
TM/HM outside of battle.
There are added details in the Pokemon party menu.
None of these features were in Ruby and Sapphire.

A cool new feature is the Pokedex. The Pokedex was totally redone in this
game. You can now list the Pokemon in both the standard and national mode when
you get it. You can also see them based on type, alphabetical, size, weight,
and category. Each Pokemon in the game have a specific category. They can be
forest, field, cave, and so on. Pokemon are also organized on pages. Scroll
through the pages to find up to 4 Pokemon on one page that you can each view

A major difference is the use of the Wireless Adaptor that comes with the
game. After doing a task on one of the islands, you'll have the capabilities
to play mini-games or battle other opponents...without a single cable! The
mini games can include games like Dodrio's Green Berry and Pokemon Jump. I
believe that the Wireless Adaptor goes about 30 meters. Some claim it to be
only 3 meters though, so I'm not sure. These are features never before seen on
a Game Boy.

Another thing is that you can catch Deoxys with the help of a ticket that you
get outside of the game. This Deoxys is a legendary Pokemon you can get no
where else. This Pokemon is different depending on which version you catch it
in. The Deoxys you get will have different stats, abilities, and looks. If you
trade it over to a different version, it changes yet again!

Oh yes, and there's one more thing. You can't evolve a Pokemon that was not in
the original 150 until AFTER you get the National Dex. What's that you ask?
Just play the game and you'll find out.

The biggest thing that will effect competitive gameplay are Move Tutors. These
are people that are placed in Kanto that teach you the old TM moves from RBY
once and once only. This opens up many new possibilities in movesets. You can
have many parashufflers now and can use the old Counter Blissey moveset. Some
Pokemon also had moveset makeovers, such as Shellder being able to learn
Icicle Spear.

The mystery of Blast Burn and all the other elemental Hyper Beams were solved.
They can be obtained on one of the new islands for ONLY the starter Pokemon.

On one of the Islands, there will be a trainer tower. In the Japanese game,
the contents are based off of E-cards. In the Amercian version however, you
can select different modes to test your skills.

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