September 13, 2009

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (GBA)

I. Introduction
Once again, War Worlds is under attack from Black Hole forces. Sturm has come
back stronger and smarter then he was before, and now he means business.  But
don't worry! Nell, Andy, Sami, and Max along with other CO's from Blue Moon,
Yellow Comet, and Green Earth are on your side. Let the new war begin.

L Button: Move cursor to units awaiting your orders.
R Button: Display intel on units and terrain features.
A Button: Confirm selections, Display map menu, Display movement range,
Scroll through text.
B Button: Cancel selections, Display attack range, Highlight all units.
Control Pad: Move cursor, Make menu selections, Move units.
Start Button: Begin game, Display overview map, Skip cinema scenes and
Select Button: Display intel on units and terrain features.

- The game offers three different play modes: Campaign, War Room, and Versus.
Each mode contains a series of battles and options for single players. Versus
mode allows for up to four players to battle.

- The Commanding officers are pre-assigned in some battles. In others, you
have the option of choosing your CO. Each CO has two special CO powers which
can be used after they take so much damage. Your choice will affect the units,
movement, and strategy that needs to be used during each battle.

- You can use each unit once per turn. Direct-firing units can fire after
moving. Indirect-firing units must be stationary in order to use their weapon.

- Use the Control Pad to move your cursor over the terrain, then press the R
Button to access vital information of that piece of land. Know where and when
to fight, always.

- Its important to know where your opponents can fire or move so you can
efficiently maneuver your troops to the enemy base. By blindly running into
combat, you risk being attack and fired upon by units you didn't even know were

- In addition to influencing how units move, capture, and attack, all CO's have
two special powers that they can use when their CO Power Meters are full. You
can fill up your meter by defeating enemy units and taking damage your self.
When CO Power Bars are half-full, they can use normal power. When they are
completely full, CO's can use incredibly strong powers that can change the
tide of battle for either side.

- After each campaign victory, you'll earn a rank depending on how you scored
in three categories: Speed, Power, and Technique. Speed depends on how many
days it took you to complete the mission, the fewer the better. Power is
affected by how many enemy units you destroyed, while Technique is scored by
hom many allied units you lost. S Rank is the highest honor, followed by A, B,
and C ranking. Depending on how many points you got, you can use your total
amount of credits to buy maps and CO's in the Battle Maps mode.

II.Modes of Play [Ad2]

Campaign Mode

- The Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising campaign is a single player, multi-
mission war against Lord Sturm and his new CO recruits. After you complete
campaign mode, you can enter hard campaign mode for new missions and more
challenging versions of previous missions.

Versus Mode

- In Versus mode, up to four players can try a variety of battles. Some wars
start with battle units and production facilities in place. Some begin with
only production facilities, leaving players to build their armies from scratch.
Other wars start out with only battle units and no production facilities.

In Versus mode there are six types of maps available for you to play on:

- Pre-deployed are maps where the units have already been placed down for you.
The victor is the last leader standing

- 3P Maps are when facilities for three armies are spread across the entire
map. Up to 3 players can participate in these battles.

- 4P Maps are when four factions populate one map. The battlers can team up or
go solo in an all out free for all.

- War Room maps are just what they appear to be. Multiple people can play
versus one another or team up like in certain War room senarios.

- Classic maps are maps from the original Advance Wars games. Comepete in
these to relive the battles on maps you'll probably recognize.

- VS. Maps are maps for two opposing forces that want to face off. This mode
allows players to produce their own units.
Design Room

Design Room

- The Design Room allows you to create your own maps and customize the looks of
the CO's. In developing maps, you can shape continents, add terrain features,
place facilities, and even put battle units into play.

- After you've played several preset senarios, you'll have ideas of what you'd
like to see in your own map. Enter the Design Room and create your world,
complete with up to four HQs, production facilities, and pre-deployed troops.
Consider your designs carefully and try to give each army an advantage.

- As you design your battle area, put yourself in position of each army leader.
The armies must be able to reach opposing HQ buildings to capture them. Create
passages for battle units to ensure that each HQ is vulnerable.

- Factories can churn out one unit per turn, provided that your army has the
cash. Leave some open space for accumulating units near factories.

- It may be fun to create obstacles with mountains and water, but if you want
to encourage vehicular combat, you must lay down plains, roads, and wooded
areas for them to move over.

- If you'd like the computer to create a continent and islands for you, select
the Fill option at the Design Maps menu, then choose random in the list of
terrain types. Nell will then ask you if you want to computer to design a map.
Answer yes to create a completly random map. (Not completely random, the
computer will create a map like missions in campaign. There won't be a factory
in the middle of an ocean...)

- Each CO comes with eight hair- and clothing-color variations. Select the CO
entry in the Design Room, then choose any unlocked CO and cycle between the
color schemes. When you've arrived at the desired look for your CO, press the
A Button to save your work.

Link Mode

- Advance Wars players unite! By linking GameBoy Advance systems using a game
link cable, up to four players can participate in battles and trade maps.
Multiple players can battle each other using one GBA system as well.

- Multiple players can participate in versus-mode battles by passing a single
Advance Wars 2 equipped GBA between turns or with a GBA-to-GBA link cable.
Linking also allows players to trade customized maps between game paks.

- Up to four linked players can participate in battles, even if they only have
one Advance Wars 2 game pak between them. You can upload your choice of five
maps with preset conditions and limited battle unit choices to GBA systems that
aren't equipped with a game pak.

- The ultimate multi-player experience is one in which all players have GBA
sytems, link cables, and game paks. As long as one player has a map unlocked,
all linked players can enter the map. CPU controlled enemies are out, its a
war of human adversaries.

- Recreate historical clashes, develop devious senarios, make challenging
conflicts and share them with friends. By linking game pak equipped GBA
systems, you can transfer the maps you have designed to another copy of Advance
Wars 2.

Battle Maps

- Not all of the CO's choices and mpas for Versus Mode are available before you
play Campaign mode. Among your rewards for doing well in missions are credits
you can spend on maps and CO's in the Battle Map shop. After you complete
normal Campaign, you can buy Hard Mode here.

- Several Versus mode maps are locked at the beginning of the game. The only
way to unlock them is to buy them at Hachi's Battle Maps shop. The colorful
shop steward will give you some war strategies and other useful information
when you walk in. Then selct the map, commanding officer, or color edit option
for a selected CO and buy it using credits you got for doing campaign or war
room missions.

War Room Mode

- War Room is an extension of Campaign mode. The enemy CO's are preset and
senarios often favor one side. You can choose your own CO from the list of
officers you have unlocked in the Battle Maps mode. There are ten new War Room
situations for Advance Wars 2.

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