September 26, 2009

Digimon World DS (NDS)


Digimon Story (known as Digimon Story in most parts, Digimon World DS in the
US) is a really good adventure. However, it's also a difficult one, and with so
much to customise, it can be difficult to decide how to tackle the next
objective. That's where this guide helps.

Hopefully, this guide will be of use for helping players get through the game,
whether they're playing it now or when the game is released in Europe later in

P L A Y E R ' S G U I D E


Digivolution is, simply put, the process of one Digimon becoming another
Digimon of a higher level. In Digimon Story, Digivolution is achieved by
meeting certain requirements. All Digivolutions have a requirement that the
Digimon must be at or above a certain Level to Digivolve, and many require the
Digimon to have a certain amount of EXP of a certain type. Others have more
unique conditions, such as having a certain Item, having a certain level of
Stress or Friendship or having played the game for a certain number of hours.
The requirements for a Digivolution to happen are explained for each individual
Digivolution, so there's no need to worry about it too much.

There are also some Digimon whom your Digimon can only Digivolve to if you have
"befriended" the Digimon. This means that you must, at some point, have either
had the Digimon itself or had 100% Scan Data for it. Other than with two
exceptions (Beelzemon and Calumon), the only way to do this is by Egg Matching
or by using a special input code.

The advantages of Digivolution are many. A Digimon will, upon Digivolving,
usually get a boost in all Parameters, and on its first time getting to the
level, an Aptitude boost, as well. It gets new traits, sometimes new
Techniques, and, of course, a new appearance.


New to Digimon Story is "Degeneration", which is, effectively, the opposite of
Digivolution. When you reach a certain point in the game, you can "Degenerate"
your Digimon to previous forms at will via the Digivolution menu.

Now, you may be wondering what the point of doing this is. Well, there are a
number of advantages. First, your Digimon's Aptitude will rise when it
Degenerates to a previous form, increasing the maximum Level which it can reach
(up to a maximum of 99). Second, it will have improved Parameters over the
Parameters of a new Digimon of the form it Degenerates to. Say, if you have a
Greymon and you Degenerate him to Koromon, the Koromon resulting from the
Degeneration from Greymon will be a better Digimon than one freshly scanned at
100% Scan Data. Third, it will enable you to use the traits gained from certain
forms for other Digivolution lines, and also makes it an option to change
Digivolution lines. So for instance, if you Degenerate a MachGaogamon to
Tsunomon, you can raise Tsunomon into a MetalGarurumon with MachGaogamon's
inherited traits.

Degeneration can also make some otherwise impossible Digivolutions available.
So, let's say you have a Tsunomon which you want to Digivolve to Dracmon.
Dracmon, aside from requiring 700+ DAR EXP, requires a minimum Level of 12.
Tsunomon starts off with an Aptitude level of 10, meaning that he can only
reach Level 10 without having to Digivolve. However, if he Digivolves to Gaomon
or Gabumon and Degenerates back to Tsunomon, he gains 2 Aptitude points. This
means that he can now easily reach Level 12 and Digivolve to Dracmon, plus it
will have the advantages of the traits and inherited Parameter boosts gained
from being Gaomon or Gabumon.

This may sound confusing, but read it through and you'll soon get the idea.

The number of Aptitude Points gained depends on how many phases your Digimon
Degenerates through, as detailed here...


One +2
Two +5
Three +10
Four +20


Child Baby +2
Adult Child +2
Adult Baby +5
Perfect Adult +2
Perfect Child +5
Perfect Baby +10
Ultimate Perfect +2
Ultimate Adult +5
Ultimate Child +10
Ultimate Baby +20


The battle system in Digimon Story is fairly simple, but effective.

The battlefield is depicted with five "Zones", which, for simplicity, are
referred to in the Walkthrough as Zone 1 (left), Zone 2 (middle-left), Zone 3
(central), Zone 4 (middle-right) and Zone 5 (right). Except for a select few
bosses, each Digimon occupies one Zone.

When an attacking Technique is used, it fires at the designated Zone or Zones.
Some Techniques only strike one Zone (Charge, Frothy Spit) while others target
two or more (Straight Punch, Giga Blaster). Some have a fixed range and attack
certain Zones (Wall Of Ice, Darkness Zone), and some can strike multiple times
for the same Zone or even for different Zones (Harpoon Torpedo, Giga Cannon).
There are even Techniques which can strike all Zones (Terra Force is one).
Positioning Digimon strategically in the battlefield can help you to avoid
Techniques by moving them closer together or making spaces. However, it is
vital to take another element to mind, which brings us on to the following bit.

Another element to battles is support abilities. When a Digimon is right next
to another, it will be supported by the Digimon next to it. This means that the
support ability of the Digimon next to it will give a boost to one of the
Digimon's Parameters or other statistics. You can check your Digimon's support
ability by checking its traits.

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