September 15, 2009

Monster Rancher Advance 2 (GBA)


First someone asks for your name,
I can't fully understand anything since its in Japanese
but if you played Monster Rancher before its
obvious what you have to do.
Now after a bunch of talking you'll end up in the city.
Now go to the top option to
create a monster on the shrine.
To create a monster you have to put a word.
Right now you can only do 4 letters but
you'll be able to get more later on.
You have many choices on what to choose,
but I suggest you start with a Hare or a Golem.
Golems are good for attack and defense so you would
like to train their speed.


Once you choose go to your farm to start training a lot. Go to the tournaments for the
grade E since its SO easy. Your opponents won't have much training at all, but sometimes
it can get pretty hard if you're a rookie. The torunaments can either be tournament style
where you have 2 battles and if you lose you're out or the regular one where you have
3 battles, you have to battle them all and the one with the most wins wins.

Right after the battles you might get experience if you win, if your monster is not happy
make sure you praise him, but if he's already happy and weak, don't praise him to make
sure he'll toughen up. After the battle you MUST rest your monster or the fatigue lever
will rise a lot. Now I will explain some stragety's for battling against all types of

Against High Attack= When your up against monsters with high attack you better not let him
you. Go on full defense, once your losing don't reset, there are turning points, they
happen to everyone, it happens to me to. "5 seconds left, your losing by a lot, you do
your last attack, it hits, and it critical you win". these scenerios happen all the time,
don't get discouraged if your losing, you can make a comeback.

Against High Defense= When your up against defense monsters, make sure you attack
with full force, don't use your best attacks, make sure you use your guts wisely. Guts play
a big role, a good stragety is to let your opponent use all their guts in the begining, then
just attack.

Against High Speed= The speedys, my favorite, I think these are the hardest type of monsters
because you'll barely get a chance to attack, but these have very LITTLE defense so just
use attacks with high accuracy to get a quick KO.

Against High Accuracy= These are the 2nd hardest, they almost always never miss because
their hit percentage is always high. But they might have cheap moves that take
little damage, but take massive Guts out. They have pretty low attack and defense
so take that as anadvantage.

Against High Health= The easiest for me, they have high HP, but mainly low attack and
defense, the battle will last a while so you probably won't KO them.


Now Training, you will spend most of the time here. In the begining you can only
train in the first page until one of your old monsters becomes a coach. Once
you get a coach you can choose for what the coach should train like speed, attack,
or health. It depends on what the coach's status are like. If the coach has high
defense you should make it into a defense coach.

When you first get your monster you should train it on its weaknesses. For example,
if you have the lowest speed on all status' you should train speed until it catches
up with the others. You should have a schedule for training like "OK this month I
will attack and next month I will train HP". But training 3 times a month is good,
on the 4th week the monster should rest.

Now after you select the type of training you want, your monster will perform a task
depending in what you choose. Press A if you want to skip the training to see if your
monster passed. 3 things will happen after you finish, your monster fails, succeeds,
or does great. If your monster fails you will get nothing and you can choose to scold
you monster. If he does regular he will get normal status. Or if he does Great! it will
get extra points or double the normal points.

When you first get your monster after you finish training it will get very little points
like around 5 or 4, and if he does Great! it will get around 9. But once your monster gets
older like around 1-or-2 years old it will get 9 points for regular and around 18, 19 for

You should prepare a schedule for training not just choose whatever you want to train
for fun or you will get no where. Now if still think your monster is weak, but have a lot
money, you should get to AGIMA to do some special training. That's next.


I recommend you only use sparring when your monster is weak in something
or you want to make him super strong. To get here you just have to go to your farm and
the 3rd option. The training list goes like this...

Attack- Hit the opponent with all you got
Intelligence- Be smart on what attack you choose
Accuracy- Your attacks should hit most of the time
Speed- Dodge your opponents attack
Defense- Let your opponent hit you and take little damage

The cost of the training will always be 3000 unless theres a special which Ayase
will inform you at the begining of the month. If theres a special it will only
be 1000 Gold. Note that the training will take one month and your monster will
be VERY tired so make you make it rest right after.

Every choice like attack or speed has its own special training monster. If you beat
the opponent you will gain more points like around 40 in the begining if your
monster is barely gotten. And on every training you always gain some Life Points, at first
you willhave only 3 trainers but once your status grows, new ones will come and their a
lot harder.

I have also found out there is a slight chance you can learn a new move for your monster.
The guy will say what are your chances before you fight a coach. And you can also learn
new traits which will make your defenses better against special type of moves like water,
fire, and physical. I got all the way to ClassMaster before I learned
even one new move. I only learned special summoning but it isn't that great. Also, when you
put your monster into a coach, that monster will also be aspecial training coach, it's too
bad if you put your monster too powerful because then you'll never be able to win :)

Also, when you are in a different class, the status of the coaches will become
much better, and sometimes a coach will leave, like around level B moochi might
leave because theres a high chance your monster is much better.

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Monster Rancher Advance (GBA)


Each monster has six vital attributes that determine how it performs in combat.

Pow: Your monster's physical attacking strength. Pow-type moves base their
damage on this stat.
Int: Cousin to Pow, but it works for Int-type moves.
Acc: Your monster's accuracy. This stat does battle with your opponent's Speed
to figure out what your chance of hitting it is. (The characteristic Act. View
does not directly influence accuracy but makes you more likely to hit your
Spd: Your monster's combat agility. The higher this is, the better your chances
of making the enemy whiff when he attacks.
Def: Your monster's overall toughness and resilience. If you're hit by an
attack of either type, this number is what softens the blow.
Lif: Your monster's life force. This is exactly like HP in any other RPG.

...and in general, there are three ways of raising these statistics:
1) Training, which was discussed above,
2) Special training, which was also discussed above, and
3) Combat experience. When you win a tournament (and maybe a fight against a
stray monster - not sure) your monster gains combat experience and has a large
gain in one stat and a more modest gain in another.

It's also important to note the factors that affect how much of a statistic you

1) Monster age. Monsters follow a bell-shaped curve in their growth. When they
are very young, they don't benefit very much from training. Eventually Aroma
will give you a warning that your monster is at a time when it "grows in body
and spirit"; this is the start of Monster Puberty (if you will), a period where
growth is much faster. As your monster continues to age, its growth slows down
and eventually stops, at which time it must be combined, deleted, or brought
into coaching.
2) Monster diet - to a lesser degree than monster age. Underfed monsters don't
perform as well in combat and don't gain as much from training.
3) Type of monster. Different kinds of monsters have different 'curves' that
make it easier for them to develop their abilities in certain statistics.
Typically you can deduce these curves just by looking at the starting stats for
a monster; for example, Golems are clearly going to be good at building their
strength, while Suezo are likely to have good intelligence.
4) Coach (for regular training only). The ability of a coach in the attribute
that it is training directly affects the benefit you'll receive from the
training. (I am, as yet, not sure about heavy training; it seems to me that a
high number in all 3 statistics is good to maximize gain and minimize loss.
Must check on this...)

Now then...what attributes should you train to get maximum benefit?

The answer to this question is a little different from what you would expect.
Instead of trying to balance out your monster, train it as far as it can go in
one particular statistic - Intelligence for Suezo, for example. There is a
method to this madness...

Your problem early in the game is that while AGIMA provides coaches for you
they are not particularly stunning at their jobs. Trying to train a balanced
monster will mean you'll get less-than-maximum gains across all of your stats
and will find yourself with no advantage to speak of in the higher classes.

Instead, train a monster up to one 999 stat, and then get him to a high enough
rank to be a Coach. (You may find that you get incredible combat effectiveness
from this monster - like a certain Suezo I had [yes, I'm a fanatic, I know]
that had 999 Intelligence, 400 Accuracy, and Suezo Beam...he was sure that the monster gets as much money for you as
possible.) Then turn him into a Coach for his 999 attribute, and repeat...this
takes patience, but you'll soon be able to train (more-) balanced monsters than
you were before.

Special training should be undertaken frequently, but not all the time (mostly
because it's expensive). Try to get in there whenever Ayase hands you a
discount. Special training is the ONLY way to get new moves, and it's important
to get your monster's best skills for the upper-crust tournaments.

Contrary to what I said about balance above, you SHOULD train your lower stats
some of the time in special training, again because this seems to give you the
best chance of getting a new skill. (It's okay to train that one super-stat
that you're going for, though, and I recommend doing that up to two-thirds of
the time. It may also be advantageous to check the other skills to see which
one affords the highest chance of learning a new skill; sometimes "it is
likely" is all you're going to get for any skills. It helps to know these
things so you can effectively make selections :)

This method has produced some strong monsters for me so far, but I have not
tried the other method of training I have heard about - freezer training.

The theory behind freezer training is that there is a certain period of time in
your monster's life where your monster gets maximum effectiveness from stat
gains. Combat experience is probably the best way of gaining experience,
because when you win a tournament, you also get money, and the tournament was
free to begin with. It also only takes one week...the advantages of combat exp.
over special training are clear.

The problem is that between tournaments you aren't gaining combat experience
and your monster is still aging. Therefore, monsters should be frozen and
'prop' monsters should be put in for them when there are no tournaments to

There are people on the GameFAQs BB who have gotten monsters up to 999 in every
stat. I envy them. I will be in their class soon...more on raising monsters to
that level in a later version.

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September 13, 2009

Avatar: The Last Airbender (GBA)

* Characters
/ Aang /
Our hero and the Avatar in question. Aang is 112 years old... though
only due to a technicality. While running away from the Air Temple he
grew up in, he and Appa were caught in a storm. After being downed,
Aang went into the Avatar State and surrounded the two of them in a
honkin' chunk of ice. A hundred years later, Sokka and Katara ran
across him. Now Aang must continue what he should have started all that
time ago - master all four elements and put a stop to the Fire Lord's
plans to dominate the lands.

AIR STRIKE: Your regular attack - hitting stuff with your staff
AIR BLAST: This lets Aang send out a burst of air to move things.
AIR VENT: Primarily used to flip over crates and minibosses.

/ Katara /
A Waterbender hailing from the South Pole, Katara and her brother were
the ones who found (and subsequently awakened) Aang. Together, they've
travelled the lands, helped each other learn Waterbending, and helped
stop a siege on the waterbending tribe at the North Pole.

WATER WHIP: Lash out with a whip-like burst of water.
WATER SHIFT: Katara can transport water from one source to the next,
as long as it's within range.
ICE BRIDGE: What you'll use the most. Lets you form ice bridges to
cross water.
HEAL: When everyone's blue meters are full, Katara can heal everyone.

/ Sokka /
Useless and/or a pimp, whichever side of the fence you sit on. Sokka
serves as the comedy relieve and secondary angst target. Whenever he
isn't failing with the womens, he's usually falling off of cliffs. In
this game, however, Sokka actually proves himself useful for a change.

BOOMERANG: Sokka flings his boomerang out, which can hit switches and
stun enemies.
CIRCLE THROW: Lets you fling the boomerang in a circular motion.
BOMB: Who does he think he is? Link? Who gave SOKKA -bombs-?!

/ Toph /
Rock Loli and Aang's Earthbending teacher... Toph is not in this game.
A fact that saddens and annoys me. Instead, you get Haru. Yes, the same
one who got his ass imprisoned by the Fire Nation and had to be rescued.
I don't like it any more than you do.


01) FIRE CLAW -- Waterbending Village

This baddie is mounted into the path by two huge claws and has a penchant for
shooting fireballs at the party. Use Sokka's Boomerang to dislodge its claws
from the ice, then when it's flashing white (such a vulnerable color!), use
the Avatar's Air Strike skill to slap it around. This thing can eat a lot of
attacks, so it shouldn't take Aang more than three go-'rounds to turn this
automaton into scrap.

02) BOMB SAMURAI -- Fire Nation Prison

He'll throw bombs in the center of the room and the third one will be a larger
one and take longer to detonate. Air Blast it into him to make him see stars,
then Air Strike him to deal the real damage. After the first successful Air
Strike on him, he throws more bombs than usual before you can attack him again,
but the strategy remains the same.

03) CONSUL OF OMASHU -- Omashu Palace Secret Exit

The Consul will stand on the center rock and make rock spires come up under the
party, trailing them. He'll also send big, washer-type rocks at the party, with
increasing effect as he's damaged. When he tries to crush the party with the
large rock, lure him onto a vent and use Air Vent to knock him off. Hit him at
this time (preferably with the club, which does more damage than Air Strike).
He'll then begin running around the center platform. Since he always stays at
the side you're not on, you can "control" his movements some. Use Sokka's
Circle Throw skill and lure him into its path; when he's hit, he's vulnerable.
Repeat as necessary.

04) FIRE CLAW -- Four Paw Island Sacred Caverns

This guy's back again for more punishment. Hit the left claw normally and use
the Circle Throw boomerang to dislodge his other claw. You'll have to aim well
for this one, but you can accomplish it easier by finding the nearest "swirly"
mark on the stones and throwing from there. When both claws are unhooked, use
the Club/Air Strike to deal some damage. Repeat as necessary.

05) DUAL DRILL TANK -- Four Paw Island Sacred Caverns

This tank corners Aang by his lonesome, so you'll have to make do. Dodge the
drills -- which come from one wall initially, and then from two later on -- and
wait for the two main drills to fire left into the wall. This dislodges some of
the rocks; Air Blast 'em into the drill to make it back up.

As it backs up, in the north, there is a little alcove Aang can High Jump into.
Quickly vault up there and get on top of the tank and use Air Vent on its top,
which sends it reeling. Three Air Vents does the trick.

06) DUAL DRILL TANK -- Fire Nation Fortress

You'll have to outrun this thing to "win," and dilly-dallying means you die!
Hit the switch and head around through the gate.


Air Blast the spiked container north and flip it over. Air Blast it east, Ice
Bridge across the water, then fill up the container and exit right. Continue


You're lucky time "stops" while you IceBridge, huh? Either way, make a zig-zag
path near the spiked container and cross. Make an Ice Bridge up the thin line
of water by the spiked container and quickly Air Blast it across onto the pad.
Now, posthaste, IceBridge across (right) from the southern part to the opened

07) DUAL DRILL TANK (Pt. II) -- Fire Nation Fortress

This boss is back for a chase. Remember: hitting its spinning drills kills all
party members. Hit the switch with the boomerang and go left.


Ice Bridge the water between the broken dock so it forms a perfect 2x4 path.
Air Blast the spiked container south, right, up, then right across to the
switch. Waterbend into it and the switch depresses, letting you continue right


Push the water container up once and continue right. This buys you some time.
As you run, switch to Sokka.


Bomb the boulder and club the three, then quickly switch to Aang and Air Blast
the eastern upside-down crate onto the Air Vent. Waterbend the water from the
spiked crate into the empty one, then Air Blast it north. QUICKLY go down to
the water's southern edge and do a "L"-shaped block rotated 90 degrees
clockwise and pull it. You can actually pull it as the drill comes and still
beat it, so don't worry (I think the game goes a little slower then). Pull it
east until it's on the switch and hightail it through the gate. Congrats, the
drill is now history and you can put it behind you.

08) MAKER'S AVATAR -- Fire Nation Fortrss

If even one person dies here, it's game over -- try to go slow and steady!
The turn order is always Aang --> Katara --> Sokka, and when one finishes their
section of the beast, they're skipped. Aang is the last person.


This bad boy is an elemental control center, and can shoot fire and ice beams
at you. One side arcs towards you, then the other side arcs towards you, then
they do a combined attack -- stay in the middle for the former. To defeat the
furnace part, use Aang to Air Blast into its open "mouth" pipe. In fact, you
can keep Air Blasting into it during all attacks but the fireball it shoots
from its furnace (at least for the first part). After awhile, its boilerplate
covers the furnace and you'll switch to Katara.

After enough damage, the arcs will shoot farther across the screen -- take
refuge in the lower left and right corners. When Aang's part is the only one
left, the beams will move in an arcing fashion in tandem -- dodge it like you
have been doing and watch out, folks. Also, it will make an "X" with the beam
duo in the middle of the screen, so stick to the extreme side of either wall
to dodge.


Katara will have a continuous air blast on her, pushing her left. You'll need
to go right, dodging the rocks tosses at you (easily dodged) and make an Ice
Bridge towards it fiery exhaust pipe. Water Whip it and you'll switch to her

After enough damage, two rocks will fall in a pattern. Move all the way to
the bottom, all the way to the top, then middle and make the Ice Bridge. Wait
for the opening and Water Whip the exhaust pipe to switch off. Katara's part
ends when the pipe crumples inward.


Boomerang the closed exhaust pipe here and dodge the simplistic falling
boulder set: three on top, three on middle, three on bottom. After enough
damage, you'll switch back to Aang.

After enough damage, the boulders fall in a pattern that circles the peremeter
of the small field Sokka occupies. Still easy to dodge. Sokka's portion ends
when the closed pipe crumples inward.

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Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (GBA)

I. Introduction
Once again, War Worlds is under attack from Black Hole forces. Sturm has come
back stronger and smarter then he was before, and now he means business.  But
don't worry! Nell, Andy, Sami, and Max along with other CO's from Blue Moon,
Yellow Comet, and Green Earth are on your side. Let the new war begin.

L Button: Move cursor to units awaiting your orders.
R Button: Display intel on units and terrain features.
A Button: Confirm selections, Display map menu, Display movement range,
Scroll through text.
B Button: Cancel selections, Display attack range, Highlight all units.
Control Pad: Move cursor, Make menu selections, Move units.
Start Button: Begin game, Display overview map, Skip cinema scenes and
Select Button: Display intel on units and terrain features.

- The game offers three different play modes: Campaign, War Room, and Versus.
Each mode contains a series of battles and options for single players. Versus
mode allows for up to four players to battle.

- The Commanding officers are pre-assigned in some battles. In others, you
have the option of choosing your CO. Each CO has two special CO powers which
can be used after they take so much damage. Your choice will affect the units,
movement, and strategy that needs to be used during each battle.

- You can use each unit once per turn. Direct-firing units can fire after
moving. Indirect-firing units must be stationary in order to use their weapon.

- Use the Control Pad to move your cursor over the terrain, then press the R
Button to access vital information of that piece of land. Know where and when
to fight, always.

- Its important to know where your opponents can fire or move so you can
efficiently maneuver your troops to the enemy base. By blindly running into
combat, you risk being attack and fired upon by units you didn't even know were

- In addition to influencing how units move, capture, and attack, all CO's have
two special powers that they can use when their CO Power Meters are full. You
can fill up your meter by defeating enemy units and taking damage your self.
When CO Power Bars are half-full, they can use normal power. When they are
completely full, CO's can use incredibly strong powers that can change the
tide of battle for either side.

- After each campaign victory, you'll earn a rank depending on how you scored
in three categories: Speed, Power, and Technique. Speed depends on how many
days it took you to complete the mission, the fewer the better. Power is
affected by how many enemy units you destroyed, while Technique is scored by
hom many allied units you lost. S Rank is the highest honor, followed by A, B,
and C ranking. Depending on how many points you got, you can use your total
amount of credits to buy maps and CO's in the Battle Maps mode.

II.Modes of Play [Ad2]

Campaign Mode

- The Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising campaign is a single player, multi-
mission war against Lord Sturm and his new CO recruits. After you complete
campaign mode, you can enter hard campaign mode for new missions and more
challenging versions of previous missions.

Versus Mode

- In Versus mode, up to four players can try a variety of battles. Some wars
start with battle units and production facilities in place. Some begin with
only production facilities, leaving players to build their armies from scratch.
Other wars start out with only battle units and no production facilities.

In Versus mode there are six types of maps available for you to play on:

- Pre-deployed are maps where the units have already been placed down for you.
The victor is the last leader standing

- 3P Maps are when facilities for three armies are spread across the entire
map. Up to 3 players can participate in these battles.

- 4P Maps are when four factions populate one map. The battlers can team up or
go solo in an all out free for all.

- War Room maps are just what they appear to be. Multiple people can play
versus one another or team up like in certain War room senarios.

- Classic maps are maps from the original Advance Wars games. Comepete in
these to relive the battles on maps you'll probably recognize.

- VS. Maps are maps for two opposing forces that want to face off. This mode
allows players to produce their own units.
Design Room

Design Room

- The Design Room allows you to create your own maps and customize the looks of
the CO's. In developing maps, you can shape continents, add terrain features,
place facilities, and even put battle units into play.

- After you've played several preset senarios, you'll have ideas of what you'd
like to see in your own map. Enter the Design Room and create your world,
complete with up to four HQs, production facilities, and pre-deployed troops.
Consider your designs carefully and try to give each army an advantage.

- As you design your battle area, put yourself in position of each army leader.
The armies must be able to reach opposing HQ buildings to capture them. Create
passages for battle units to ensure that each HQ is vulnerable.

- Factories can churn out one unit per turn, provided that your army has the
cash. Leave some open space for accumulating units near factories.

- It may be fun to create obstacles with mountains and water, but if you want
to encourage vehicular combat, you must lay down plains, roads, and wooded
areas for them to move over.

- If you'd like the computer to create a continent and islands for you, select
the Fill option at the Design Maps menu, then choose random in the list of
terrain types. Nell will then ask you if you want to computer to design a map.
Answer yes to create a completly random map. (Not completely random, the
computer will create a map like missions in campaign. There won't be a factory
in the middle of an ocean...)

- Each CO comes with eight hair- and clothing-color variations. Select the CO
entry in the Design Room, then choose any unlocked CO and cycle between the
color schemes. When you've arrived at the desired look for your CO, press the
A Button to save your work.

Link Mode

- Advance Wars players unite! By linking GameBoy Advance systems using a game
link cable, up to four players can participate in battles and trade maps.
Multiple players can battle each other using one GBA system as well.

- Multiple players can participate in versus-mode battles by passing a single
Advance Wars 2 equipped GBA between turns or with a GBA-to-GBA link cable.
Linking also allows players to trade customized maps between game paks.

- Up to four linked players can participate in battles, even if they only have
one Advance Wars 2 game pak between them. You can upload your choice of five
maps with preset conditions and limited battle unit choices to GBA systems that
aren't equipped with a game pak.

- The ultimate multi-player experience is one in which all players have GBA
sytems, link cables, and game paks. As long as one player has a map unlocked,
all linked players can enter the map. CPU controlled enemies are out, its a
war of human adversaries.

- Recreate historical clashes, develop devious senarios, make challenging
conflicts and share them with friends. By linking game pak equipped GBA
systems, you can transfer the maps you have designed to another copy of Advance
Wars 2.

Battle Maps

- Not all of the CO's choices and mpas for Versus Mode are available before you
play Campaign mode. Among your rewards for doing well in missions are credits
you can spend on maps and CO's in the Battle Map shop. After you complete
normal Campaign, you can buy Hard Mode here.

- Several Versus mode maps are locked at the beginning of the game. The only
way to unlock them is to buy them at Hachi's Battle Maps shop. The colorful
shop steward will give you some war strategies and other useful information
when you walk in. Then selct the map, commanding officer, or color edit option
for a selected CO and buy it using credits you got for doing campaign or war
room missions.

War Room Mode

- War Room is an extension of Campaign mode. The enemy CO's are preset and
senarios often favor one side. You can choose your own CO from the list of
officers you have unlocked in the Battle Maps mode. There are ten new War Room
situations for Advance Wars 2.

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Zoids: Legacy (GBA)

* Zi Data Guide
This guide lists of the
Zi Data thats I have collected in the game
Zoids: Legacy, to help you check which ones you are missing and which ones to
look out for - since it only shows you the ones you already have while leaving
you with no clue whatsoever on what you are actually missing. I still have not
finished the game, and typing all the info is quite painstaking, so I am still
missing quite a bit here. Thanks to Zoids Godzilla for some of the ZiData

But before we go on - what is Zi Data?
"Zi Data is a special design data for making Zoids from Zoids cores. With the
data you gather, you can make Zoids in the Zoids Institute. You may also need
Zoids cores and parts for production. Zoids cores are the Zoids' source of
life, and they grow from this nucleus." - a Zoids Institute Researcher
In this guide I will be combining the ZiData and the Zoids Data from the
Database (both accessible from the stat menu) to compile one big encyclopedia.

Zi Data is helpful in two ways.
First, as an information source on your enemy:
It lists all the stats of the Zoids and also the base weapon stats, so as long
as you have the Zi Data of a Zoids, you'll know what to look out for the next
time you encounter it.

Second, as a blueprint for developing new Zoids:
You can develop new Zoids at Zoids Institute as long as you have the Zi Data
of the Zoids, the core parts needed, the base Zoids (occasionally), and of
course developing fee.
For example, to develop a Godos you need the Zi Data of Godos and Z Core H1
part. And to develop an Iguan, you need a 'base Zoids', in this case a Godos.
So you need to have a Godos already developed, but it does not require other
core part. When you do this however, you will have used up the base Zoids and
it will no longer be with you. But the Zi Data stays with you, say, forever,
so you can make as many of the same kind of Zoids repeatedly as long as you
have the parts. You can practically have your very own Zoids assembly line!
An army of Zaber Fangs sounds nice, doesn't it? ;)

You can obtain Zi Data by either fighting other Zoids and getting it as a
battle spoil, or from treasure chest, or even as a gift. When you are in a
battle, use the 'Data Gather' command JUST BEFORE finishing the battle -
last turn in defeating all the enemy Zoids - and you will get the Zi Data.
(If you fought more than one kind of Zoids, it will randomly choose whose
Zi Data will drop.) You can also use 'Core Security' command to obtain the
core parts.

UPDATE: You can get the Zi Data of your party members' Zoids by playing the
Challenging Mode. Thanks to Stevo & others for the information.

Zoids Data in the Database works somewhat differently. Whatever Zoids you
acquire as a member of your party will appear in the Database, but you will
still need to get Zi Data separately (except for Zaber Fang & Shield Liger).
I haven't figured out how to get these Zi Datas yet... if there are any
enemies that use the same type of Zoids or if this is just one-of-a-kind
and I cannot make any more of it with Zi Data.

Republic Force - Gojulas Type
Sharp tusks and long tail
Length: 26.0m Base Zoids: N/A
Weight: 230.0t Parts: Z Core ZG
Speed: 75km/h Cost: 70000G

HP : 350 Weapon Rack
EP : 28
GEP : 3
SP : 75
MM : 50
IV : 275
DF : 70 Base Weapon
AM : 75 [G]CrushrClaw AT:150 HR: 81% TG:1-1S EP: 0 ATR:G
DCP : 200 [S]Beam Gun AT:100 HR: 98% TG:1-2S EP: 3 ATR:P
SR : 200 [ ]N/A
CLV : 18 [G]Hyper Fang AT:200 HR: 75% TG:1-1S EP: 1 ATR:G
TP : 0
CP : 60

Gojulas the Ogre
Republic Force - Gojulas Type
With integrated Organoid Sys
Length: 34.6m Base Zoids: Gojulas
Weight: 287.0t Parts: Norm. OS
Speed: 125km/h Cost: 80000G

HP : 500
EP : 50
GEP : 5
SP : 125
MM : 45
IV : 475
DF : 120 Base Weapon
AM : 85 [G]CrushrClaw AT:180 HR: 70% TG:1-1S EP: 1 ATR:G
DCP : 350 [S]4ShockCan. AT:180 HR: 70% TG:1-2S EP: 0 ATR:B
SR : 350 [S]BusterCan. AT:350 HR: 60% TG:2-3S EP:10 ATR:B
CLV : 20 [G]Hyper Fang AT:200 HR: 68% TG:1-1S EP: 3 ATR:G
TP : 0
CP : 60

Gojulas Gunner
Republic Force - Gojulas Type
Long-range buster cannons
Length: 34.6m Base Zoids: Gojulas
Weight: 260.0t Parts: GC Set
Speed: 60km/h Cost: 20000G

HP : 350
EP : 33
GEP : 3
SP : 60
MM : 45
IV : 360
DF : 75 Base Weapon
AM : 75 [G]CrushrClaw AT:180 HR: 70% TG:1-1S EP: 1 ATR:G
DCP : 250 [S]4ShockCan. AT:180 HR: 70% TG:1-2S EP: 0 ATR:B
SR : 300 [S]LR Cannon AT:300 HR: 80% TG:2-3S EP:14 ATR:B
CLV : 20 [G]Hyper Fang AT:200 HR: 68% TG:1-1S EP: 3 ATR:G
TP : 0
CP : 55

Gojulas Giga
Republic Force - Gojulas Type
Unbelievable ability
Length: 29.5m Base Zoids: N/A
Weight: 200.0t Parts: Z Core GG GGW data
Speed: 95km/h Cost: 120000G

HP : 500
EP : 45
GEP : 6
SP : 180
MM : 60
IV : 580
DF : 150 Base Weapon
AM : 80 [G]HP Maniptr AT:280 HR: 75% TG:1-1S EP: 1 ATR:G
DCP : 450 [G]CrushrTail AT:280 HR: 65% TG:1-1W EP: 4 ATR:G
SR : 400 [A]Hypr EShld Esld: 300 TG:Self EP: 5 Use:Active
CLV : 22 [G]CrushrFang AT:320 HR: 65% TG:1-1S EP: 3 ATR:G
TP : 0
CP : 60

Gojulas Giga Cannon
Republic Force - Gojulas Type
Buster Eagle turrets/ bombard
Length: 29.5m Base Zoids: Gojulas Giga
Weight: 215.4t Parts: GC Gatt.D
Speed: 75km/h Cost: 20000G

HP : 700
EP : 50
GEP : 5
SP : 75
MM : 60
IV : 475
DF : 150 Base Weapon
AM : 80 [G]HP Manip. AT:300 HR: 75% TG:1-1S EP: 1 ATR:G
DCP : 500 [G]CrushrTail AT:280 HR: 65% TG:1-1W EP: 4 ATR:G
SR : 400 [S]Buster Cn. AT:380 HR: 75% TG:1-3S EP:13 ATR:B. A Air
CLV : 24 [G]CrushrFang AT:320 HR: 65% TG:1-1S EP: 3 ATR:G
TP : 0
CP : 50

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