September 15, 2009

Monster Rancher Advance 2 (GBA)


First someone asks for your name,
I can't fully understand anything since its in Japanese
but if you played Monster Rancher before its
obvious what you have to do.
Now after a bunch of talking you'll end up in the city.
Now go to the top option to
create a monster on the shrine.
To create a monster you have to put a word.
Right now you can only do 4 letters but
you'll be able to get more later on.
You have many choices on what to choose,
but I suggest you start with a Hare or a Golem.
Golems are good for attack and defense so you would
like to train their speed.


Once you choose go to your farm to start training a lot. Go to the tournaments for the
grade E since its SO easy. Your opponents won't have much training at all, but sometimes
it can get pretty hard if you're a rookie. The torunaments can either be tournament style
where you have 2 battles and if you lose you're out or the regular one where you have
3 battles, you have to battle them all and the one with the most wins wins.

Right after the battles you might get experience if you win, if your monster is not happy
make sure you praise him, but if he's already happy and weak, don't praise him to make
sure he'll toughen up. After the battle you MUST rest your monster or the fatigue lever
will rise a lot. Now I will explain some stragety's for battling against all types of

Against High Attack= When your up against monsters with high attack you better not let him
you. Go on full defense, once your losing don't reset, there are turning points, they
happen to everyone, it happens to me to. "5 seconds left, your losing by a lot, you do
your last attack, it hits, and it critical you win". these scenerios happen all the time,
don't get discouraged if your losing, you can make a comeback.

Against High Defense= When your up against defense monsters, make sure you attack
with full force, don't use your best attacks, make sure you use your guts wisely. Guts play
a big role, a good stragety is to let your opponent use all their guts in the begining, then
just attack.

Against High Speed= The speedys, my favorite, I think these are the hardest type of monsters
because you'll barely get a chance to attack, but these have very LITTLE defense so just
use attacks with high accuracy to get a quick KO.

Against High Accuracy= These are the 2nd hardest, they almost always never miss because
their hit percentage is always high. But they might have cheap moves that take
little damage, but take massive Guts out. They have pretty low attack and defense
so take that as anadvantage.

Against High Health= The easiest for me, they have high HP, but mainly low attack and
defense, the battle will last a while so you probably won't KO them.


Now Training, you will spend most of the time here. In the begining you can only
train in the first page until one of your old monsters becomes a coach. Once
you get a coach you can choose for what the coach should train like speed, attack,
or health. It depends on what the coach's status are like. If the coach has high
defense you should make it into a defense coach.

When you first get your monster you should train it on its weaknesses. For example,
if you have the lowest speed on all status' you should train speed until it catches
up with the others. You should have a schedule for training like "OK this month I
will attack and next month I will train HP". But training 3 times a month is good,
on the 4th week the monster should rest.

Now after you select the type of training you want, your monster will perform a task
depending in what you choose. Press A if you want to skip the training to see if your
monster passed. 3 things will happen after you finish, your monster fails, succeeds,
or does great. If your monster fails you will get nothing and you can choose to scold
you monster. If he does regular he will get normal status. Or if he does Great! it will
get extra points or double the normal points.

When you first get your monster after you finish training it will get very little points
like around 5 or 4, and if he does Great! it will get around 9. But once your monster gets
older like around 1-or-2 years old it will get 9 points for regular and around 18, 19 for

You should prepare a schedule for training not just choose whatever you want to train
for fun or you will get no where. Now if still think your monster is weak, but have a lot
money, you should get to AGIMA to do some special training. That's next.


I recommend you only use sparring when your monster is weak in something
or you want to make him super strong. To get here you just have to go to your farm and
the 3rd option. The training list goes like this...

Attack- Hit the opponent with all you got
Intelligence- Be smart on what attack you choose
Accuracy- Your attacks should hit most of the time
Speed- Dodge your opponents attack
Defense- Let your opponent hit you and take little damage

The cost of the training will always be 3000 unless theres a special which Ayase
will inform you at the begining of the month. If theres a special it will only
be 1000 Gold. Note that the training will take one month and your monster will
be VERY tired so make you make it rest right after.

Every choice like attack or speed has its own special training monster. If you beat
the opponent you will gain more points like around 40 in the begining if your
monster is barely gotten. And on every training you always gain some Life Points, at first
you willhave only 3 trainers but once your status grows, new ones will come and their a
lot harder.

I have also found out there is a slight chance you can learn a new move for your monster.
The guy will say what are your chances before you fight a coach. And you can also learn
new traits which will make your defenses better against special type of moves like water,
fire, and physical. I got all the way to ClassMaster before I learned
even one new move. I only learned special summoning but it isn't that great. Also, when you
put your monster into a coach, that monster will also be aspecial training coach, it's too
bad if you put your monster too powerful because then you'll never be able to win :)

Also, when you are in a different class, the status of the coaches will become
much better, and sometimes a coach will leave, like around level B moochi might
leave because theres a high chance your monster is much better.

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