September 27, 2009

Pokemon LeafGreen Version: Legendaries FAQ

Art of Catching Legendaries (AOCL)

Do you think that legendary pokemons is extremely hard to
find, hard to catch and extremely valuable? The answer is:
1.It's not hard to find, as long as you met with some
requirements. I'll list the requirements before the
legendary, so don't worry.2.Yes; it is very hard to catch,
like some rare pokemon. But, there are two things you
can do to make it easier to catch:

-Types of balls affect the success rate for catching a
pokemon. For example, it is nearly impossible to catch
legendary pokemon with poke ball. But, there is a super
higher chance with using Ultra Ball. So watch for types of
balls. -Status conditions can also affect the catch rate.
I would recommend inflicting a freeze status to the legendary.
But, since it's quite rare and very hard to get, I would
recommend using sleep for legendaries. Paralyze were not
very effective.
3. Yes, It's extremely valuable. If it's above lv80,
I think it could beat almost every single pokemon in a few blows...
So, did you get the thing? Keep that in mind.

LG and FR original legendaries (LFOL)

There are some few good legendary pokemon that you can catch. I will list them


Requirements and preparations to catch:
-Beat the gym leader Koga.
-Get a pokemon to learn surf.
-Get loads of Ultra Balls (25 or more).
-Get a rock pokemon for lowering Zapdos' HP (optional).

Power Plant-Fly to the PC near Rock Tunnel and surf to the nearest body of
water. You'll reach a big building. Enter there.

Power Plant

From the entrance, simply go straight way to the top and turn, then go
downwards. Turn again and go straight. Then turn, go downwards, turn again
until you see the king of this place. Save immediately before examining him.

ABILITY: PRESSURE (Foe uses 2 PP even if only launching 1 attack).

Thunder Wave (Elec)-Sends a shockwave that paralyzes you.
Drill Peck (Flying)-Pecks on you rapidly and hurts you.
Agility (Psychic)-With a psychic power, it sharply raises his speed.
Detect (Fighting)-Detects the next attack and avoids it.

Reduce his life to red and change to a pokemon and use sleep powder (make sure
Zapdos doesn't uses Drill Peck).After that, keep throwing ultra balls at him.
If he awakes, use sleep powder again, then throw ultra balls. He should be
caught soon. Now after you get it, you'll get a brand new legendary, Zapdos.
Train him enough. He'll be quite useful on the next legendary.


Requirements and preparations to catch:
-Beat the gym leader Koga.
-Get loads of Ultra Balls (30 or more).
-Get a pokemon that knows strength (found Gold Teeth somewhere in Safari Zone
and give it
to the park warden in Fuchsia City).
-Get a pokemon that knows surf.
-Get a rock/steel/fire/thunder pokemon to reduce Articuno's HP (optional).
-For escaping easily bring escape rope (optional).

Seafoam Islands-Go to Fuchsia City and go surf to the sea. After the surf,
you'll reach a land. Go to the cave there.

Seafoam Islands

Simply go down, down, down (you can push the boulder to the hole if you didn't
bring escape rope) until you (and your boulder) falls to the water. You'll
brought by the current to another area. Go to the land and head to a ladder in
the middle of this room. Now go up the ledge, ignore the ladder and go down
the ledge again. There'll be some rocks and two holes. Push the CLOSEST
boulder to you straight two steps, then push down the boulder next to it 1
step. Push it again to left 1 step. Push the closest boulder near the hole

Then push the boulder before 2 steps left. Push it to the hole, and push the
boulder next to the hole to the hole. Next, push yourself to the hole. You'll
fall. The water current was blocked by the rocks. Simply surf north until you
reach the throne of ice. Save!

ABILITY: PRESSURE (Foe uses 2 PP even if only launching 1 attack).

Mist (Ice)-Wraps allies with a mist that prevents status reduction.
Agility (Psychic)-With a psychic power, it sharply raises his speed.
Mind Reader (Normal)-Makes sure that the next time you attack will be 100%
Ice Beam (Ice)-Shoots sharp ices to hurt foe.

The same tactic as Zapdos. I suggest you bring 30+ Ultra Balls because he's a
bit harder to catch than Zapdos used my Zapdos'(Lv 53-55,I installed TM
Shockwave to him)shockwave to reduce Articuno's HP red in 1 hit, but he dies
because he get hit by the powerful Ice Beam. If he didn't die, I could use
Thunder Wave, but he dies, so I use Sleep Powder. Keep throwing Ultra Balls.
That time I just want to do a joke throwing 1 Great Ball, but unfortunately he
was caught........

There are two ways to escape from this cave:
-Easy way, use Escape Rope. OR......
-The hard way. First from the entrance of the cave you should keep pushing a
boulder to holes until it reaches water and you reach land (you should keep
pushing yourself down the hole too.)Go to the ladder in the middle on the
room. Go to the next ladder. Go to the ledge and go to the ladder there. Then,
go down to the lower level of the land. Turn left and go up the ledge to reach
the ladder.

In the next room, turn right and go to lower level to see a boulder and a
hole. Again, push the boulder and yourself to the hole until you've reached
water. The water current has blocked. Go up to the land and o to the ladder.
Keep going until you can get out of the cave!


Requirements and preparations to catch:
-Beat the gym leader Koga.
-Beat the gym leader Blaine.
-Could go to Island 1.
-Get loads of Ultra Balls (25 or more).
-Get a pokemon that knows surf.
-Get a pokemon that knows strength.
-Get a pokemon ready to learn rock smash (Chansey, Rhyhorn, Machop, etc).
-Get a water/rock/thunder pokemon to reduce her HP quickly (optional).

Mt.Ember-You can do this right after you defeat Blaine and went out of his
gym. Bill will ask if you would like to come to Island 1.Say yes. After a long
scene, you'll end up controlling yourself. Go out of the PC and surf to the
north. Past the grasses and you'll meet a cave door. That is Ember Spa. Enter
there. Speak to everyone and someone will give you HM Rock Smash. Install it
to your pokemon. If you go to the middle of the spa pond it will restore your
pokemon's health. Go out and surf to the north. You'll reach Mt.Ember.


Turn left and push the boulders away. Go ^ and go to the upper level. Smash
rocks you see. Go straight ahead to the cave. Go and follow the narrow path to
the ladder. In the next room, go straight past the stairs and turn right to
next room. Go south to reach an open room. Turn and go up to the mountain
peak. Push the boulders away. Save before talking to her.

ABILITY: PRESSURE (Foe uses 2 PP even if only launching 1 attack).

Fire Spin (Fire)-Traps you with spiral of fire and hurt you for 3-5 turns.
Endure (Normal)-Endures a very powerful attacks so that she leaves 1 HP left.
Agility (Psychic)-With a psychic power, it sharply raises his speed.
Flamethrower (Fire)-Breathes flame at you, has a chance of burn your pokemon.

Zapdos' Shockwave could reduce her HP to red, especially if she uses Endure.
If she does, you may want to use Shockwave again. After that, use either
Thunder Wave or Sleep Powder. Start to throw Ultra Balls until you've caught
her. Actually you can catch her before Zapdos. For that, you may bring a water
pokemon or rock or something that is resistance to fire and flying.


Requirements and preparations to catch:
-Beat the Elite Four.
-Get National PokeDex.
-Fix the Network Machine with Ruby and Sapphire Gem.
-Get a pokemon that knows surf.
-Get a pokemon that knows strength.
-Get TONS of Ultra Balls (or perhaps Master Ball, this is hard to choose, I
-Get a dark/bug/ghost pokemon to reduce his HP rapidly (optional)

Cerulean Cave-Go to Route 24 above Cerulean City through the Golden Bridge.
Surf into the little river and you'll reach a land. Enter the cave.

Cerulean Cave
Go surf to the river. Follow the river way and drop to the land in south end
of the river. Go up the stairs and ignore the first ladder. Go downstairs and
you'll see a ladder. Go there. Here, go to south and turn right. Ignore the
first pathway and continue your way. From here, just follow the path to the
ladder. Go to the next ladder. Go downstairs and follow the pathway to a big
river. Surf to the river and go to a small island with Mewtwo there. Save
and prepare for a harsh battle.

ABILITY: PRESSURE (Foe uses 2 PP even if only launching 1 attack).

Swift (Normal)-Shoots a star beam to you.
Recover (Normal)-Recovers half of his HP.
Psychic (Psychic)-Emits a strong psychic wave to hurt you.
Safeguard (Normal)-Prevents allies from suffering a status ailment (this is

Oh yeah, you're right. He DOES have Recover and Safeguard, making himself hard
to catch. And his ability is pressure! With this my Frenzy Plant which only
have 5 PP will run out quickly. He will heal himself with Recover and
Safeguard will prevent him from paralyze, sleep, etc. This is hard to catch
with Ultra Ball. I used Frenzy Plant and Sleep Powder to get him. I caught him
with Ultra Ball. But, trust me, it was such an accident (or maybe luck!)


Requirements and preparations to catch:
-Beat the Elite Four.
-You'll get different pokemon if you choose...
Charmander as a starter pokemon: You get Suicune.
Squirtle as a starter pokemon: You get Raikou.
Bulbasaur as a starter pokemon: You get Entei.
-Get a pokemon that has a resistance type to the pokemon (example
Entei is Fire-type; you bring Vaporeon which is Water-type).
-Get a Wobuffet when the legendary pokemon has a red HP and a
status ailment.

Well, I HATE to say this but, they can move to ALL OVER KANTO REGION. You
could get very frustrated. Meeting them in the first place depends on luck.
The annoying thing again is when you met them in a battle, after you finished
attacking them, they will simply ESCAPES from you and you'll need to look for
them again. They will NEVER, EVER STOP DOING THIS.

ABILITY: PRESSURE (Foe uses 2 PP even if only launching 1 attack).

Raikou attacks:
Thundershock (Electric)- An electricity shock that has a chance to paralyze
Roar (Normal)-Roars to send foe away.
Quick Attack (Normal)-An attack that strikes first.
Spark (Electric)-An electrified tackle, has a chance to paralyze foe.

Entei attacks:
Ember (Fire)- Spits a fire that could burn foe.
Fire Spin (Fire)- Traps you with spiral of fire and hurt you for 3-5 turns.
Roar (Normal)- Roars to send foe away.
Stomp (Normal)-Stomps enemy that may cause flinching.

Suicune attacks:
Bubblebeam (Water)-Burst bubbles to you.
Gust (Flying)-Creates a whirlwind to attack you.
Rain Dance (Water)-Makes Water-type moves stronger than usual.
Aurora Beam (Ice)-Shoots a beam of aurora that may lower attacks.

After the Mewtwo 'incident', I still have my only one piece of Master Ball. I
tried to found Entei (my starter pokemon is Bulbasaur). I wander everywhere
around Kanto and ran into him near Pallet Town (do you know that the song when
we battled with legendary pokemon is different from the ones when we battled
ordinary pokemon? When you run into Raikou, Entei or Suicune, you'll hear the
legendary song). I don't want to waste time so I caught him with Master Ball.

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